Extension of application of late registration fee
The Department of Registrar of Companies and Official Receiver announces that, on 16.12.2019, the Law on Companies Amending Law N149 (I) / 2019 was published in the Official Gazette, according to which the entry into force of subsection (3) of Article 51 of the Companies (Amending) (No. 3) Law 149 (I) 2018, concerning the imposition of a charge for late registration on forms as defined in the Companies Act, is hereby postponed from 18.12.2019 to 18.04.2020.
In addition, it is noted that because April 18, 2020 is a public holiday, the date of application of the charge under Article 31 (b) of Interpretation Law, Cap.1, is set for April 21, 2020 .
The TEEEP urges the public to submit the necessary documents in good time before the end of the above period to avoid further inconvenience.
The Department also announces that all the necessary adjustments have been made to the Registrar’s systems in order to submit the relevant documents and calculate the financial charge in a timely and seamless manner.